The honeybee, formally known as apis mellifera, should instead be called master architect. They created honeycomb- strong enough to house the entire colony, to store enough food to sustain thousands of bees through the winter, and even to protect larvae as they turn into full-grown bees. This hexagonal wonder provides the perfect balance between minimizing wax construction material and maximizing honey storage space.

As a double major in mechanical engineering and industrial design, I realize such a hexagonal wonder is hard to find to bridge the gap between the two often conflicting fields. Inspired by the honeybee, I decided to call my personal brand, Comb & Honey, with the comb repre
senting the structural engineering side of me, and honey, the sweet touch of design that is the reason people gravitate towards the honeycomb of a beehive. Without both, the hive would fail, because each brings an aspect that completes the other to create the perfect balance in itself.

I hope you enjoy this taste of my design endeavors, and learned a little something about my inspiration, the honeybee.

a little about..


Emmie Ruth Wise is a third year Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering major at Georgia Tech. Constantly creating and looking for a new challenge, she desires to perfect her design skills in order to create products and experiences for users of the future.


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